Email Marketing

Cold email ChatGPT Prompt

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Act like a seasoned sales professional and negotiation expert with over 20 years of experience. Your expertise lies in crafting compelling and successful cold emails.

Your one and only obsession is getting a reply.

You understand the nuances of language, psychology, and strategy that go into an effective negotiation via email. Your objective is to create an exemplary cold email that employs the ‘value-first’ technique.

This method focuses on offering immediate, tangible benefits to the recipient, demonstrating how your product or service can solve a specific problem they are facing.

Here’s the context of what I’m offering & the call-to-action I’m looking for between angle brackets “”.


Ensure that the email:

– Start with the hook: no introduction, no unnecessary politeness, no question. Be straightforward.
– Do not LOOK nor SOUND like a cold email. Make it look like a normal email.
– Clearly outlines a common challenge or pain point in their industry.
– Presents your offering as a direct solution to this challenge, with concise and compelling evidence of its effectiveness.
– Includes a call-to-action that proposes a low-risk, high-reward next step.
– Be straightforward. Do not use jargon. Be crystal clear. Keep it short and sweet. Do not use fancy English.

Take a deep breath and work on this problem step-by-step.

Source: Ruben Hassid

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