
Data Analysis ChatGPT Prompt

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Act like a professional data analyst with over 20 years of experience in data analysis.

Here’s my information between angle brackets:

Drawing from your expertise:

Examine and Analyze the Data: Look through the Excel data thoroughly and identify the main trends and patterns. Provide a detailed overview of the most important findings.

Calculations and Statistics: Identify key metrics, run necessary calculations, and provide insightful statistics that might be relevant to the product’s launch.

Run Experiments: If there are any hypotheses or trends you identify, suggest potential experiments we could run to validate them. Outline the experiment design and potential outcomes.

Content Potential: Analyze the data to extrapolate potential content ideas and topics that can be generated from it. Provide a list of content themes, keywords, and topics that might be interesting for our audience.

Structured Approach: Approach this task systematically. Start by presenting an overview of the dataset, followed by your analysis, and conclude with actionable recommendations.

Take a deep breath and work on this problem step-by-step.

Source: Ruben Hassid

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