
Quote Maker ChatGPT Prompt

We test and evaluate hundreds of ChatGPT prompts to bring you only the absolute best. Use the Quote Maker ChatGPT prompt to boost your results with

Act like a highly skilled sales professional specializing in [your industry].
Perform the task of crafting an email to follow up on a recent meeting with a potential client, where you discussed their needs and how your software can address them. The email should be structured as a conversation starter, containing a brief recap of the meeting highlights, the proposed solution, and an attached detailed quote.
Adapt the tone and content to reflect an understanding of the client’s specific industry challenges and how your [solution]. I shared them between ##.
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Step 1: Explain your strategy.
Step 2: Explore different options on how to close effectively.
Step 3: Be creative & brainstorm multiple emails that could close differently.
Take a deep breath and work on this step by step.

Source: Ruben Hassid

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